About Us

Community PACE is a program located in Newaygo, Michigan. We are delighted to provide a caring network of medical and social services to our participants.


PACE stands for The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly. The program was designed to provide necessary services to the elderly population that allows them to stay living independently in the community for as long as possible. PACE serves individuals that meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • 55 years of age or older
  • Certified to meet the state of Michigan’s nursing home level of care
  • Able to live safely in the community at the time of enrollment
  • Living in Community PACE’s service area

PACE is a program that is supported and regulated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Community PACE accepts Medicare, Medicaid and private payment. For participants that have both Medicare and Medicaid, every service provided by Community PACE is delivered at no cost. Participants of all payment sources may be personally liable for costs incurred by unauthorized or out-of-Community PACE program agreement services.

Community PACE does not discriminate in the delivery of services based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, mental or physical disabilities or source of payment.

Our Interdisciplinary Team

Patient Testimonials

Executive Director: Kelsey Bruno, RN
Medical Director: Dr Fred Levin
Physicians: Dr Gerald VanWieren, Dr Lynn Nevin
Nurse Practitioner: Kimberly Lussier, NP
Pharmacist: Viet Le
Clinical Director: Breanna Grimard, RN
Quality Director: Miranda Carter
Center Manager: Christine Runions
Home Care Coordinator: Anne Baker, RN
Therapy Director: Kate Hoch, OT
Social Worker: Tanja Frederik, MSW
Activities Director: Elizabeth Judd
Transportation Coordinator: Mike Sanborn
Dietician: Sue Smalley, RD

“PACE has changed my life. I now have access to medical professionals in a timely manner, I have a family at PACE when I am not at home, I feel supported, and I have made so many new friends.”

-Community PACE Participant