How PACE Works
Our goal is to provide our senior community members with the care, medical treatment and support they need to achieve the highest quality of life – while staying independent as long as possible.
35pxCommunity PACE makes the enrollment process simple. If you feel that the Community PACE program is right for you or a loved one, call our Intake Coordinator at 231-652-4618. We will ask preliminary questions about an individual’s life circumstances to determine if PACE is the right choice. If Community PACE is not the right choice, we will provide individuals with the best area resources. If an individual meets the Community PACE eligibility requirements and feel that the program is the best fit for their life, we will begin the enrollment process.
Individuals that wish to enroll in Community PACE must meet the following eligibility criteria:
-Be age 55 or older
-Live in the Community PACE service area
-Meet the Nursing Home Level of Care Determination as determined by the State of Michigan
-Be able to live in the community safely with community Community PACE support
Intake and Enrollment Process
The intake and enrollment process includes the following steps:
1. First steps of communication and getting to know an individual
-This can include phone calls, emails, and faxes of referrals to Community PACE.
2. Initial In-Home Visit
-The Intake Coordinator will set up an in-home meeting with the individual and loved ones. This meeting will consist of an intake assessment and a presentation to discuss PACE and all its services. Intake, the potential participant and the family will discuss all health concerns, obstacles in care, and how PACE would benefit their life.
3. Social Work and Home Care Coordinator Assessments
-A Social Worker and Home Care Coordinator will complete separate in-home assessments with the potential participant. This will assist the Intake Coordinator and Interdisciplinary Team with learning more about the individual and making sure that they meet the eligibility requirements.
3. Community PACE Center Visit
-At this point we will bring the individual into the Community PACE Day Center to take a tour, enjoy a breakfast and lunch, and meet members of the PACE care team as well as other participants. This will be an opportunity for the individual to determine if they would enjoy the program.
4. Finalizing Enrollment
-The Intake Coordinator will schedule a time to complete final paperwork with the individual and their caregivers (if applicable). At this time, the Intake Coordinator will coordinate with the Interdisciplinary Team to determine the date that Community PACE services will begin, and answer any remaining